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The shaping of the ELI-NP facility science program through international workshops

27 Aprilie 2015

The construction of a large-scale laser-centered, distributed pan-European research infrastructure, involving beyond the state-of-the-art ultra-short and ultra-intense laser (HPLS) and gamma source technologies (GBS), called ELI-NP is underway in Magurele, a few kilometers away from Bucharest.

The facility, worth 295 million euros, will be developed in two phases and will be available for the international scientific community of users by the end of 2018. Its mission covers scientific research at the frontier of knowledge involving two domains: laser-driven experiments related to nuclear physics and a high-brilliance and intense low-energy gamma beam, a marriage of laser and accelerator technology which will allow us to reproduce in the laboratory the reaction which occurs the universe.

In addition to fundamental themes, a large number of applications with significant societal impact are being developed. These applications extend from the nuclear power plant waste management to new radio-isotopes for medicine and cancer therapy and from space science to material and nanoscience using for example new powerful probes like a brilliant positron beam.

During the last two years, a significant fraction of the international scientific community contributed to the shaping of the ELI-NP facility science program through a series of international workshops. As a result, these scientific meetings lead to the definition of about ten new development directions for the experiments to be carried out at the future facility. For each of them, writing of Technical Design Reports (TDRs) by specialized working group of international scientists and coordinated by ELI-NP physics team, was triggered and further developed during the workshops.

A concluding international meeting, attended by more than 150 scientists from the four continents was held on February 18th to 20th at Magurele. Final version of the TDR’s were presented and discussed and will serve of a basis for the final priority recommendations of the ELI-NP International Scientific Advisory Board.

Benefiting from the support of a growing international future user community across the globe, the ELI-NP facility is therefore on track with the completion of the Technical Design Reports allowing to start construction of the tools needed for day one experiments in late 2018.

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