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Cum să folosești inteligent timpul când lucrezi de acasă

10 Iunie 2020

Iar atunci când vine vorba de cursuri, sunt atât de multe lucruri pe care fiecare dintre noi le poate învăța!

Este momentul să te pui pe tine în prim plan.

Poate te interesează ceva nou? Poți alege cursuri de gătit sau inițiere în limba japoneză, cursuri de șah sau GO sau să înveți să cânți la pian.

Poate vrei să te perfecționezi? Sau să iți extinzi competențele? Poți face un curs de nișă, de supraspecializare pe domeniul pe care activezi. Pot fi tutoriale gratis, dar și mai bine ar fi un curs care să îți dea o certificare sau atestare la final. În felul acesta la sfârșitul zilei vei putea monetiza tot acest timp și efort.

Oricare dintre variante este perfectă. Orice nouă cunoștință sau aptitudine însușită înseamnă un plus de valoare, pentru că suntem ceea ce învățăm și ceea ce știm să facem.

Red Hat a lansat în această perioadă programe speciale de training și certificare, fără a mai fi necesară deplasarea cursanților sau a instructorului în centrele educaționale. Cursurile virtuale înseamnă costuri mai reduse de timp și bani, dar același caștig pe termen mediu și lung pentru cursanții certificați.

Dacă nu te-am convins că investiția într-un curs îți va conferi plus valoare, ia-o altfel: este rețeta perfectă pentru sănătatea ta mintală. Este la fel de bine ca atunci când decizi să iei o carte și să o citești. Îți va ocupa timpul și mintea în mod productiv și îți va pune neuronii să facă gimnastică de inviorare!

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Alex nordeen
Hi, I was mining for some data on Online Learning Statistics and was starstuck to your blog Eventually i noticed that you shared I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your post. The way you explained every thing made so much sense. However, you missed an article, i'm sure it will provide a lot of value to your readers. I would be honoured if you link to it. As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 31k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers. Or I am happy to do Cross-Promotion. what do you think? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Regards, Alex Nordeen PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me 1 302 231 1286
05 August 2021, 12:26:20
Alex Nordeen
Hey, Just making sure my email won't get buried in your inbox. :) ================== Original Message ==================== Hi, I was mining for some data on Learning Statistics and was starstuck to your blog Eventually i noticed that you shared I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your post. The way you explained every thing made so much sense. However, you missed an article , i'm sure it will provide a lot of value to your readers. I would be honoured if you link to it. As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 31k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers. Or I am happy to do Cross-Promotion. what do you think? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Regards, Alex Nordeen PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me 1 302 231 1286
03 Septembrie 2021, 10:34:23
Alex Alex Nordeen
Hi, I want to check if you got my email below? Do let me know if you are not interested. I don't want to waste your time. ================== Original Message ==================== Hi, I was mining for some data on Learning Statistics and was starstuck to your blog Eventually i noticed that you shared I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your post. The way you explained every thing made so much sense. However, you missed an article , i'm sure it will provide a lot of value to your readers. I would be honoured if you link to it. As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 31k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers. Or I am happy to do Cross-Promotion. what do you think? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Regards, Alex Nordeen PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me 1 302 231 1286
11 Septembrie 2021, 01:23:18
Alex Alex Nordeen
I reached out previously and hadn’t heard back from you yet. This tells me a few things: 1) You're being chased by a T-rex and haven't had time to respond. 2) You aren't interested. 3) You're interested but haven't had a time to respond. Whichever one it is, please let me know as I am getting worried! Please respond 1,2, or 3. I do not want to be a bother. ================== Original Message ==================== Hi, I was mining for some data on Learning Statistics and was starstuck to your blog Eventually i noticed that you shared I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your post. The way you explained every thing made so much sense. However, you missed an article , i'm sure it will provide a lot of value to your readers. I would be honoured if you link to it. As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 31k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers. Or I am happy to do Cross-Promotion. what do you think? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Regards, Alex Nordeen PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me 1 302 231 1286
17 Septembrie 2021, 07:42:44
Alex Alex Nordeen
Hi, I've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things: 1. You’re interested in giving link back, but haven't had a chance to get back to me yet. 2. You're not interested and want me to stop emailing. 3. You've fallen and can't get up – in that case let me know and I'll call 911. Can you please reply with 1, 2 or 3? I don't want to be a bother. Happy to pay for your effort ================== Original Message ==================== Hi, I was mining for some data on Learning Statistics and was starstuck to your blog Eventually i noticed that you shared I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your post. The way you explained every thing made so much sense. However, you missed an article , i'm sure it will provide a lot of value to your readers. I would be honoured if you link to it. As a thankyou, I would be glad to share your page with our 31k Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin Followers. Or I am happy to do Cross-Promotion. what do you think? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Regards, Alex Nordeen PS: I am real a person... here is a number to contact me 1 302 231 1286
24 Septembrie 2021, 07:41:21